Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Bottle Trick: Gender Expectations

   Beatrice falls into the norms of being a wife.  Once she marries her grades in college decline.  Her mother reinforces these norms by supporting her loss of interest in school because she has a man in her life.  Then she becomes pregnant.  Without consulting her husband she assumes that Samuel will be pleased with their child, "a baby would complete their family.  Samuel would be pleased, wouldn't he?" (267).  Her thoughts lead her to trouble however.  Samuel does not want to bring a baby of his color into the world.  As Beatrice learns, Samuel takes drastic steps to prevent a child of his to be born.

1 comment:

  1. It is interesting that you focused on the female roles in this novel. What struck me the most was the portrayal of men and their roles and stereotypes in story.
